Your Councillors

Cllr Matthew Palmer is Chairperson for 2024-25.  Cllr June Merrells is Vice Chairperson.

Dai Jenkins and Susan Jones are both community ward members in Gowerton and serve as Community Councillors also.
Gareth Evans

Gareth Evans

East Ward

01792 874519

Ros Holt

Ros Holt

East Ward

01792 418887

My name is Rosalind Holt aka Ros ( nee Davies) I have the privilege of being a 4th generation Gowertonian. My greatgrandfather Thomas Morgans moved his family to Gowerton in 1891 when he took up employment in the Elba Steelworks.

I attended all 4 schools in Gowerton from infants to Gowerton Girls Grammar School. I have always been involved in and supported social and cultural activities in our village, from playgroups with my children and grandchildren, PTA in schools, sports clubs with my sons and singing groups for myself and my husband.

I am a member of Gowerton History Group and a Station Adopter working on the flower beds and tubs to create a welcoming environment for people arriving in Gowerton by train.

I love my village of Gowerton and have had the privilege to be a member of your Community Council for 15 years

Susan Jones

Susan Jones

East Ward

01792 872561

Patricia Evans

Patricia Evans

East Ward

01792 874519

Matthew Palmer - Chairperson

Matthew Palmer - Chairperson

East Ward

07891 661125

Peter Morgan

Peter Morgan

East Ward

07976 877436

Dai Jenkins

Dai Jenkins

East Ward

07954 426080

Amanda Guard

Amanda Guard

West Ward

07515 895961

Lyneth Howells-Snoddon

Lyneth Howells-Snoddon

West Ward

07766 877900

My name is Lyneth Howells Snoddon and I am a Gowertonion born and bred. My mother was Joyce the shop a very keen textile artist in Sterry Road and my father was known as Les the Dragon man as he made ceramic dragons and clay figurines.

I am their youngest daughter, and have followed in their footsteps. I have been an art teacher for 28 years but am now retired and living in Gowerton.

I have volunteered as a Community Councillor as i wish to offer my skills in art to creat a more visual and creative Gowerton.

I believe Gowerton has many talented people that need to exhibit and show off their skills and i am hoping to help this happen by organising galas, fetes and shows.

Barbara Small

Barbara Small

West Ward

01792 875019

My name is Barbara Small nee Rowlands. I joined Gowerton Community Council at the elections in June 2004.

I was born to Bob and Betty Rowlands (who were very well known to all living in our village) at number 11 Park Road and I have lived in the village ever since.

I live on the same road my grandparents used to live on at Bryn-y-mor Road so I am a true Gowertonian.

I worked in various places including Gowerton CO-OP, (where Gibsons vets is now). After having my children I worked as a Quality Control Inspector at L.R.C. Products. I later became a Registered Childminder looking after over 50 children over nearly 35 years and a lot of them also still live in our village.

I feel it’s a privilege to represent and support our village.

June Merrells

June Merrells

West Ward


I have lived in Gowerton all my life as did my mother, my grandparents and great grandparents. My children and grandson all live in Gowerton too. So my roots go back a long way.

I know a lot of people in the village and feel that I can be approachable if anyone has a problem or query that they would be able to contact me for help or advice and I could point them in the right direction.

I run Gowerton RFC bar as my full time job, so am out there in the village/public eye making it easier to connect to people.

Lynne Carey

East Ward

Wayne Erasmus

West Ward

Gowerton County Councillors

County Councillor Susan Jones

Susan Jones

I have lived in Gowerton for many years but was brought up in Waunarlwydd.

My Grandparents lived in Mount Street so I have many family connections in the village, with my two sons and their families living here.

I have been on the Community Council since 1986 when I was elected as a Gowerton Resident.

Since 2008 I have represented Gowerton on the City and County of Swansea as the County Councillor ensuring Gowerton residents, local businesses and our Community have a voice.

I am a member of the Governing Bodies of both Gowerton Primary and Gowerton Comprehensive Schools.

For further information from the City and County of Swansea Website, please click on the link below

City and County of Swansea information

Dai Jenkins

Dai Jenkins

I am fourth generation Waunarwlydd and live overlooking Gowerton Ward. I was honoured to be elected to represent Gowerton on the City and County of Swansea as one of your Ward County Councillors on May 6th 2022. Which was the date in 1980 that I started work for BT group some 43 years ago, where I am a full-time trade union officer for the Communication Workers Union.

I specialise in events management and have many transferrable skills from my union activities that help with my role as a councillor including health and safety, public speaking, complaint handling, chairing meeting and event organising, which I am puting to good use in Gowerton.

My aims are for Gowerton to be a safe community and a happy community, and I intend to highlight and resolve any safety issues in the village and identify fun activities that bring the village together as one community.

I am passionate about transferring our talents, experience and knowledge to the young people of the village and in turn listen and learn from them and encourage their participation and well-being.

Swansea Council Information